Monday, December 08, 2008

Pregnancy week 34

6 weeks left to go! :o

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! :)

Are we ready for the baby? No! :) Ready or not, the baby is on its way! :)

We didn't know such a little newborn baby need so many things! There are crib (and things that go with it, mattress, sheets, bumper), mobile, car seat - stroller - travel system, nursing glider rocker, swing, bouncer, bassinet, monitor, 1-sec thermometer, bath tub, bib, burp cloth, diaper (disposal and/or cloth), diaper bag, diaper changing table, diaper wipes, creams, play yards, play mat, baby monitor, sling, BPA free bottles, bottle warmer if you use formula supplementing breastfeeding, breast pump, a small refrigerator for baby bottles (especially useful if you have two floors), boppy pillow, nursing bra, various sizes of baby clothes, swaddle wrap (or Wesley calls them baby straight jacket), toys, books, classical music, jumperoo walker, dresser, high chair, digital camera and video to capture the memories, etc... At the end of the day, it really comes down to if the baby is loved and cared for (getting fed and diapers changed).

We are very blessed that we got many slightly used items from family and friends. Kids outgrow things so fast! We found local baby consignment stores are good place to find things. Local Craigslist is another good source. Baby R Us website has pretty good users product reviews to research if the product is good or not. Be sure to check if there are any recall on the items. Baby's safety first!