1) Blow Bubbles
Count 1, 2, 3, go. Show the baby these: inhale air, take a deep breath, hold your breath, lower mouth into water, and blow bubbles in the water.
2) Reach and Pull
Throw a floating ball out. Blend one of your knee and put the baby on your thigh. Hold each of baby's hands. Say "reach and pull" as you extend her arms back and forth. Move forward by hopping with the other leg. Once the baby gets to the ball, let the baby hold the ball before you take it and toss it out again.
3) Kick, kick, kick
Let the baby hug you. Hold her ankle. Stretch her legs and hold them together as close and comfortable as you can. Say kick, kick, kick and you move backward. Not a lot of splash. Not too much over the water nor under the water, just at the edge of the water.
4) Head dip
The baby is facing you. Hold and extend your arm as far as you can. Count 1, 2, 3, go. You inhale air, close mouth, dip her into the water, and pull her toward you. Say "kick, kick, kick" and "good job".
5) Float Backwards
Hold the baby lightly below the baby's arms. Turn the baby around and face up. Make sure the baby's ears are under the water.
6) Elbow, elbow, knee, knee (climb out of the pool)
Stage 1: While both of you are in the pool, go to the wall and assist the baby to climb out of the pool. Say elbow, elbow, knee, knee.
Stage 2: Sit at the edge with the baby. Say "what happens when you drop into the water?" Tap the baby's hand on the floor. Say "you climb on the wall". then dip the baby into the water by the wall (you're still holding on to the baby). Turn the baby around. Take the baby to the wall. Assist the baby to climb up the wall with elbow, elbow, knee, knee.