Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jobs in America

This is a good article of about how the white-collar jobs are changing in America. Even if you're doing a great job and you have a good attitude at work, there's no job security anymore. There are others factors beyond your control that can influence it. And it's hard to find a good job. So, continue to work hard, continue learning, and continue to provide good service. Strive for the better, but at the same time, be blessed of everything you have, because it can change.

No Help Wanted
Author Exposes How the American Dream Turned Into a Middle-Class Nightmare

My First Blog Posting


I've been a reader in the blog world for a month now and I really enjoy the exchange of thoughts and ideas about the world we live in (via, it's a cool thing!) What prompted me start a blog and open my life that was considered private?

1. Share things in my life with my family and friends that are far far away or close by,

2. Add on to the exchange of ideas and thoughts with the universe in order to find solutions to make this world a better place.

I'm actually is a cynic, but when you're down, the only way to go is up! So that's where we'll go. Hope you'll enjoy my future postings to come. Please feel free to comment or add on to the discussions!

Take care,