Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 1st Mother's Day!

Happy first Mother's Day!
I tried to give Jasmine a hug and she tried to suck on me instead. LOL

Singing & Dancing

We picked up a lot of skills since then. Singing, dancing. we learned through trials and errors what works for us and what works for her. different tricks we learned from other parents, from reading and from our instincts.

Even though we can't sing a tune (Simon from American Idol will probably say so), we had to learn to sing nursery songs for Jasmine. She seems to calm down better when there are songs. We didn't know that many songs, so we kept singing ABC song. So we borrowed nursery songs CD from the public library. We played for her in the car and it seemed to work. We also placed a smiley face toy with lights that she loves. Between the nursery songs, smiley toy, and toy bar, she's not as fussy in the car, but she still doesn't like the car seat.

We also had to dance for her when she's on the swing to entertain her when she's fussy.

Baby Spa Treatments

We gave her spa treatments. She got manicure and pedicure. we got the baby nail clipper and had to cut her nails carefully so not to cut her little fingers. She sure is pampered :)

Still looking good?

I noticed I'm starting to look like one of the mom with messy hair and bag under eyes. I used to look at least decent when I go out. boohoohoo :( Now I get zits all over my face and no time to put on facial creams and SPF lotions. I'll be lucky if I have time to take a shower, brush my teeth, brush my hair, slap some facial cream on. Quick shower IS good during water shortage. I didn't understand how it can be until now I'm it. I'm taking care of Jasmine from morning to night, breastfeeding her non stop, I can't be out of her sight. I guess I'll be so lucky to walk around and have my nipple tuck in :)

One has to be mentally and physically ready to have a baby. Someone told us we picked a good time. we had traveled, had some fun. we're okay financially. we're more mature. our marriage has been through rough times. (having a baby is stressful to a marriage. humor really helped. like any marriage, communicate the expectations. know our priorities. stay focus). Physically, it's exhausting to take care of this little person. feeding, soothing the cries, at the end of the day, I just pass out on the sofa. How life have changed after the baby, but I would do it again to have Jasmine...