Thursday, May 08, 2008

Be financial savvy with Suze Orman

Suze Orman
  • "When it comes to your money, no one will ever care for it, need it, or respect it more than you" "never work with someone who operates on commission. It can raise a conflict of interest when he gets paid only if he buys or sells actively in your name"
  • Money will never define who you are. You always define your money. Don't fall into the trap of buying fancy items and temptations. None of that matters. What matters is how you feel about yourself. When you do make money, save it for the future. rather than spend it. Don't spend it and waste it. Never, ever get into credit card debt. Have a life you'll enjoy, instead of running away from.
  • A woman who owns the power to control her destiny must be able to ask for what she wants
  • "People first, then money, then things"